Tag Archives: Amazon

Black Friday Shopping Results: Kindle Fire on Top

Amazon.com. Inc. announced Monday that the popular Kindle Fire held the number one spot for bestselling product in Black Friday’s shopping results. There are four product in the Kindle family line: the $79 Kindle, $99 Kindle Touch, $149 Kindle Touch 3G and the $199 Kindle Fire, gaining top marks at only 8 weeks old. Compared

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How to run a profitable website

f you’ve ever asked who can a website make money? The answer involved two simple methods, both of which will be discussed in this article. Aligning your site with an affiliate program with a larger retailer or connecting with Pay per Click systems used commonly through Google and other similar website advertisers. Both are viable

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Amazon acquires European movie streaming & rental company Lovefilm

Today, Amazon, America’s largest online retailer, announced it acquired Lovefilm, one of the leading European movie rental services. Prior to the acquisition, Amazon owned a minority share of the company. Exact details of the sale were not disclosed, but reports estimate the value to be between $200 and $270 million. Lovefilm offers similar services to

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Ebooks Sales boost

According to the Association of American Publishers(AAP), ebook sales for January to August increased up from $89.8 million for 2009 to $263 million in 2010. It is 193% increase in sales, and roughly 10% of book sales in the U.S.A. (up from 3.31% in 2009). The reason of this spectacular ebooks boost up is the

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E-Books are doing well

Amazon.com sells more e-books than hardbacks. Over the past three months it sold 143 Kindle books for every 100 hardcover books. However, publishers claims it is still too early to claim that e-books win, paperback books are still a huge and crucial market for writers. Over the past month, Amazon sold 180 Kindle books for

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Most popular websites in Internet

Web analytics firm Compete released data for the top 50 websites in the U.S. Most shopping sites recorded a large drop in unique visitors since December 2009, tax services and travel sites are seeing very high growth rates. A complete list of top 50 websites you can find here. Below a list of top 10

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