Category Archives: Web Development

Stack Overflow Survey Results – How Do You Compare?

Stack Overflow, the question and answer site for programmers, has released the results of their annual survey of developers and programmers. While the survey is underrepresented by those who don’t like taking surveys in English, the results are still interesting. Luxembourg has the highest number of per capita developers – 39.8 per 1000 people. The

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Speed Up Your WordPress with WP Super Cache

Just a short post in which we would like to share some stats from how using WP Super Cache plugin can speed up your WordPress site.

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WordPress 4.0 Beta 2 is Now Available

If you are ready to try the latest and greatest WordPress beta release, then look no further as WordPress 4.0 Beta 2 is now available via the WordPress plugins.  If you are feeling adventurous, you can select the “bleeding edge” option. You can also download a copy of WordPress 4.0 Beta 2 here.

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Why Your Mobile Website Needs an Upgrade

The good news is that responsive website design has a significant advantage over non-responsive sites, while the bad news is that very few websites are both responsive and fast, leaving plenty of room for improvement. Software and services company Restive, LLC recently released a State of the Mobile Web report on their assessment of websites

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How Video Improves Websites

With 93% of internet marketers using some form of video on their website in 2013, video is here to stay. From simple iPhone and smartphone created videos to high end animations, there is no doubt that the use of video helps attract and retain an audience and convert browsers into customers. Youtube is currently the

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[Solved] Removing your IP from the Gmail Blacklist – Step by Step Solution

Being blacklisted by Gmail is relatively easy, especially if you use WordPress and do not worry much about the security of your site. Being listed on a Gmail Blacklist means your emails do not reach Gmail recipients, or your messages (sent via blacklisted server IP) go straight to the Spam folder. Google’s Blacklist is different

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