Shared And VPS Hosting – What Is The Difference?

Individual business owners and start up companies now getting a better selection of hosting options as both the technology industry and consumer demands are rapidly changing for the better. Better packages for hosting options are now letting the consumer decide which package is best for their business.

What Is Shared Web Hosting?

  • The first fact about shared web hosting is it is one of two services offered by web hosting providers.
  • Shared web hosting operates on a single server and a single operating system with multiple websites on the same server.
  • This is the perfect service for a first time novice website owner to use. It’s very economical and this mode of web hosting is also easy to use for individuals or a business with a smaller database.
  • All of the websites share the same IP address as well, and the server host name is the same too.

What Is VPS Hosting?

  • This particular type of hosting was designed to be cheaper in comparison to using a dedicated shared server.
  • All of the websites or users use the same server, but there is a high level of privacy along with insulation to maintain the user’s privacy.
  • Each and every VPS client gets their own IP address, firewall, and port. Not only does this service provide privacy, but the pricing is excellent as well.
  • There is very little hardware associated with VPS hosting and the software isn’t difficult to master either, which makes this type of hosting very reliable.

When it comes time to try and make a decision with what option to choose from, it’s always important to consult with the web hosting service provider you are thinking of choosing. Getting a second opinion is always recommended if you are a beginning or you are launching a start up company. A web hosting service provider will be able to help you determine which option will be best for your company, and also be what you are seeking as far as privacy and storage options.